Is the Planck length the only minimal fundamental physical distance?
Note that the strength of the gravitational field (gravitational acceleration) which electron rest mass (m_e) produces at a distance of the Planck length (l_p) - which is the maximum gravitational field strength that electron mass can produce - when applied to another electron rest mass effects with a force which is equal in absolute value to 1/α times a force effected on electron charge (e) by another electron charge at a distance of the reduced electron Compton wavelength (ƛ): (G*m_e/l_p^2) * m_e = (k*e/(α*ƛ^2)) * e G - Newton constant k - Coulomb constant α - fine structure constant and then note that k*e/(α*ƛ^2) = E_swg, the Schwinger electric field strength, which is recognized as the strength of the electric field at which the field becomes nonlinear and the particle creation dominates - it is also sometimes called the Schwinger limit for the strength of the electric field. If for brevity we put g_ep = G*m_e/l_p^2, we can write g_ep * m_e = E_swg * e so the maximum gravitational field strength in the neighborhood of electron (limited by the minimal Planck length limit) and the maximum electric field strength in the neighborhood of electron (limited by the Schwinger limit) when applied to electron rest mass and electron charge respectively generate two forces equal in absolute value but the first force is attractive and the second force is repulsive. Isn't it a formula for electron stability? And then we can note the analogical roles of the square lengths l_p^2 and α*ƛ^2 which they play in the formulas for the maximum strength of the gravitational force and the maximum strength of the electric force generated by electron. So, shouldn't we differentiate between the minimal physical distance with respect to gravitational force (the Planck length) and the minimal physical distance with respect to electric force (√α/2π * the electron Compton wavelength), as two separate fundamental properties of spacetime (vacuum), instead of just one (the Planck length)?
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