Non-objective World and Consciousness

 The World is not objective. So-called objects must be reducible to point-size elementary particles and as such can not exist. Because no property can get infinite density and because points themselves do not exist. They are purely abstract constructs, both points and - in consequence - objects.

There are only waves in the vacuum, i.e. in the space itself. The medium for the waves is - contrary to our materially oriented experience - the spacetime itself. So they are spacetime waves that exhibit measurable gravitational and electromagnetic properties. This is where experimental science brought us to. If we do not apply any preconceptions - especially the anthropic assumptions of the materiality or objectivity of the World - to the experimental results this is where we land: spacetime waves are all there is.

Dragan & Ekert (et al.) argue that in accordance with all respected laws of physics Einstein’s special relativity can be extended to the superluminal realm of 3 time and 1 space dimensions, and that the deduced resulting extended reality, that is the spacetime known to us (having 1 time and 3 space dimensions) with the superluminal extension, has quantum-mechanical properties and the field becomes the only quantity that can be used to describe it.

There are no objects, there are interactions between waves. Whenever two waves meet there is a new quality created. So the World is not objective also in this sense that any spacetime wave or a product of the waves cannot be objectively observed. 

Every subject experiences its world co-created by itself.

The subluminal world does not enter into the superluminal world because it can not cross the barrier of light. This is also true for the superluminal world: according to what Dragan’s group found infinite energy is required to cross the barrier of light from faster-than-light movement to movement at the speed of light, i.e. to slow anything down to the speed of light. It seems that what the subluminal world has in common with its superluminal extension is the light, the electromagnetic waves in the vacuum, and the gravitational waves that also travel at the speed of light in spacetime. Of course, the word extension is used here from our historical vantage point.

Consciousness is not intelligence and intelligence is not consciousness. We can grasp the difference between the two when we experience the astonishing intelligence of Large Language Models, like GPT4, which are just sets of rules and data but can pass the Turing test with flying colors. The LLMs are not conscious and do not have feelings (although can beautifully talk about them). They do not have a personality (although can behave like having one) and they do not have a perception of their own meaning. 

The materialistic hard problem of consciousness seems to strongly hint that consciousness is not born in brains or nerves or other parts of biological organisms or any physical structures.

It seems like the consciousness runs from those who want to catch it in objective, materialistic frames. Much the same way physical reality does.

We can be sure of two things: the consciousness - of which we have first-hand experience and the waves in spacetime (electromagnetic and gravitational, or a potential unified framework for them) which are seemingly the last physical entities standing after critical analysis of the objectivity of the world. (NB: not mentioned are weak interactions, which seem to be unified with electromagnetism, and strong interactions because their range is a few hundred times shorter than Compton wavelength of electron and they are also suspected of possible integration with electromagnetism.)

Both “things” are elusive: immaterial and non-objective. Consciousness and spacetime waves. If we want consciousness to be physically “explainable”, then we have no other choice than to accept that consciousness is spacetime waves. And as such is in contact with both “sides” of the World: the subluminal and the superluminal.
